Strategies for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Disease States
Strategies for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Disease States:
- Determine the Toxic Burden:
a. Neurotoxins: low molecular weight, lipid soluble, chemicals that can come from chemicals in the environment, or biological sources (molds, pfeisteria, etc.) diagnosed by the Visual Contrast Acuity test. Treated with avoidance and the use of substances that bind neurotoxins such as cholestyramine, Psyllium and Rice Bran. (reference Web site:
b. Heavy Metals: metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium. Diagnosed by the EDTA/DMPS challenge test. Treated with chelating agents such as IV EDTA, oral EDTA and oral DMSA.
c. Industrial Pollutants: Pthalates, Petrochemical (styrenes, benzenes), Insecticides, Herbacides and many others. Detox therapy is specific to the identified intoxicants.
- Identifying patients with a Hypercoagulable State: Individuals may have an increased tendency to form blood clots. A mild expression of this problem can lead to ‘sluggish’ blood flow. This can lead to poor perfusion of the capillary beds, which can result in increased inflammation, pain and hormonal imbalance This can be due to hereditable conditions (genetic) or environmental conditions such as toxins, infections or medications. Diagnosed by blood testing. Treatment with agents that reduce hypercoagulability such as aspirin, heparin, wobenzyme and nattokinase.
- Identifying Hidden Infections: Chronic cryptogenic (hidden infections) can be a contributing cause to chronic disease states. Such infections can occur in the gut, the tissues or the blood. Infections in the gut may be bacteria, parasites or fungi (yeast). Infections in the blood may be bacteria or virus. There are a variety of cryptogenic infections:
a. Tick-borne illnesses such as Lyme disease, erlichiosis, babesiosis, and bartonella
b. Mold and yeast overgrowth in the gut, sinuses or on the skin
c. The herpes virus family which can include Epstein Barr, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex viruses
d. Chlamydia species
e. Mycoplasma species
Diagnosed by stool cultures in the case of the gut and by blood tests. Treated by:
a. Specific prescription or non prescription antibiotics
b. Immune system support
c. Detoxification
- Identifying Hormonal Imbalances: Subtle hormonal imbalance is often a consequence of chronic illness and sometimes the cause. Normalizing hormonal balance will promote the healing process.
- Identify the efficiency of aerobic energy production (mitochondrial function), exercise capacity, heart function, and lung function. This is done with a Metabolic Cardio Pulmonary Stress Test. Therapies to address problems include supplements of nutritional and herbal products, the participation in a supervised exercise program (oxygenation therapy, whole body vibration and far infrared sauna) and oxidation therapies.
- Diagnose and treat chronic mental health problems such as depression. Chronic illness is almost always associated with depression. A failure to consider this factor and to treat appropriately will likely result in a failure of other therapies.